I figure an update is in order...
The reason I have not done it sooner is that the post 30 day challenge is uneventful. Still eating paleo about 95% of the time and there is now 5% variance where one meal a couple off the menu items get eaten and then it's right back to the plan.
I guess eating paleo is sort of habitual. :)
I'm in no hurry to add back the things I have cut and the very infrequent "cheats" are more than enough to tide me over. If I have one meal in 20-30 that includes something I've cut. I think that is an acceptable rate of not only how much of the thing I let in but enough that I'm not worried about wanting to eat it either. For instance sugar. When you cut out all sugars for 30 days and you find yourself at a birthday party...you don't' eat any cake. No big deal unless you think of never eating any cake at any party, wedding, holiday or ever. And cake is just a symbol for anything, I just used that one to make the point. If you know you will eat it once every couple weeks or so there is no pressure of "never eating" xyz.
It makes it easy IMO to eat Paleo/primal almost all the time. There is no start/stop to it if you factor in an allowance like that. The Primal Blueprint suggests the 80/20 rule but I can't see being that generous (because I could figure out how to abuse the 20% for sure) but the concept really does make sense to me with a much smaller allowance.
Anyway...that is about it. My weight loss has predictably slowed down but I am unconcerned about it at this point. There is a lot going on in my life right now so even slow and gradual is pretty exciting to me and I feel good about how everything is going. Thanks again to Paul for doing the 30 day before I did and pointing me that way, and to Urban for presenting the challenge in the
exact language that resonated with me.
http://www.paulsedillo.comhttp://www.urbangetsdiesel.com/2009/07/change-your-life-in-thirty-days.htmlSo far it's sticking. ;)