Friday, September 5, 2008

Closing in

The date for the 14er is closing in. As things get closer I'm not sure where my head is going to be at and I may/may not update until I get back on the 20th.

What I can say is that my weight today was 223 so I do expect to make my goal of 222 by Monday but like I said I'm not sure if I will update or not because it's getting to "all things 14er" pretty quick.

Example: today I had a job cancel and found some free time. I wound up getting a lap in at a local park pictured above so I could try out my shoes on some different conditions like pebbles, larger rock, grass/dirt.. My normal walk is on super smooth sidewalks so it was a good chance to see how they feel. They feel awesome. :) I had read a negative review of Merrell and sometimes that one negative review sticks in your mind. So far from the second I put these shoes on in the store to breaking them in and today's tests on various surfaces my feeling is that these shoes are a truly outstanding value. If I go on to take on more 14ers in the future I'm not sure how fantastic a shoe is going to have to be for me to buy it (and the mountain will be the real test of course) but I'm very happy with this product so far.

I actually have 5 major things running in the back of my mind right now that I want to explore but I feel the mental dial moving to 14er 24/7 and I just can't get into any of it right now.

We leave on the 14th and come back on the 20th with climb day on the 16th.

I am more than ready to get at it and report back about the journey ASAP.

Anybody who happens to read this hope for good weather for me on the 16th because all I really need at this point is good weather. ;)

Be back soon......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to get so psyched about this trip! :) I really don't want to be immortalized on that message board you go to for falling off the mountain though lol.