Day 29 of the initial 30 day paleo challenge.
The reason I did this 30 day challenge is summed up here:
" will change your life. I cannot possibly put enough emphasis on this simple fact. This. Will. Change. Your. Life. It will change the way you think about food, it will change your tastes, it will change your habits and your cravings. It could, quite possibly, change the emotional relationship you have with food, and with your body. It has the potential to change the way you eat for the rest of your life."
Two days before I started I figured out a few modifications that would make this trip a better fit for me but "moxyboss" above said "strict by the book paleo for 30 days" and I decided anything less would be selling the challenge short and I would never be able to say for sure what the results wold have been if done by the book. Now that I'm closing it up I am so glad that I played by the rules.
Did it change the way I think about food? Yes...very much.
Did it change my emotional relationship with food?...without a doubt.
Did it change my life forever..... Not sure yet but it's possible.
I learned some things about food I don't think I could have learned any other way than doing this challenge. Not all of them will necessarily be good "paleo" lessons. I won't know until I try to re-introduce things but one of the first things I will be trying to add back in is yogurt. If I discover that I don't have any negative reaction to eating it I will add back yogurt to my's something I feel would improve my overall eating strategy to include small amounts of yogurt. It may be that paleo people did not eat it but as soon as they figured out how to make it people DID start eating it and I think it's a very beneficial food (as long as you don't have issues with the dairy) and then there are goat milk options as well as coconut milk yogurts. So I intend to expand and improve on my new found base by experimenting with foods from a "clean slate" I could never have had before.
Sugar - My relationship with sugar has changed and we are on the outs. I don't know yet how we can re-negotiate any new terms to coexist or exactly how to proceed from here but the bloom is off the rose on sugar(s) for me now.
Grains - You tricky bastards. I think you might be ok actually and not the demon paleo makes you out to be but the US government and society have convinced us to take you on obsessive quantities. The food pyramid has you at what I now believe is a very unhealthy proportion.
Like sugar we are going to have to find a new relationship and I think for the next few months I will have VERY little room for you. When I started looking at nutritional data for things like oatmeal and bread I realized for the first time how devoid of real "food" some of these things are. They are mainly carb/fiber balls. There is not much nutrition at all in oatmeal.
I'm not going to get into the fiber thing right now but it's a straight up hoax if you ask me. Reading something about food is one thing and eating it for a month is another. I'll give my short un-gross version and say the things you read about people having 5#'s of undigested meat or something like that in their intestines if they don't' eat enough fiber to cleanse it out...I think it's total quackery at this point.
I feel almost certain you could eat nothing but red meat for 2 weeks and you would discover right away there is no problem with it gumming up the works. My month without them tells me grains are not all their cracked up to be. :(
Weight loss- I lost 14#s in the last 29 days and don't have anything to add to it other than next month will be key and I'll have a lot more to say then.
Moving forward - I plan to shift slightly towards Primal over Paleo because I think there are some holes in strict Paleo (for me anyway) that need to be filled. Perhaps "Paleo for athletes" addresses those deficiencies and maybe less active people would do better with strict paleo but I had a few crashes over the month and I think they were related to carb intake/glycogen stores/usage. I don't have any way to prove it but for starters I see myself eating sweet potatoes once a week next month to see what effect it has on my high workload sessions and make adjustments from there.
Overall - a fantastic challenge!
Moxy was correct in almost all of her assertions and possible all of them, I just don't have enough time in yet to say about the long term effects.
I would encourage anybody to try it that could use some help in dealing with food issues. Athletes should read more about that angle on things and read blogs by other paleo athletes but other than that I think it was overall a VERY positive experience and I'm excited to see where the next month brings me as I take some baby step modifications of the paleo plan to seek out what I hope will be the best eating plan I've ever had...more to follow.
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Booyah! You da man!!!
Hahaha! I have a feeling way down deep in my fibers that it's yogurt...I need some yogurt day after tomorrow and you know I'm going for that killer grass fed plain at WF. Oooooh yeah!
Woo for 30 days!! I'm just glad that I figured out diary is a no-no for me, so thanks :) And I agree that there has to be a little wiggle room or you do experience "crashes."...Now I want sweet potatoes...
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