The waiting is over.

Asparagus, broccoli, and a massive hunk of roasted chicken....a half a freaking chicken. :) You can't tell by looking but it was BIG. I felt a bit nervous after eating it that I'd overdone it and sucked in a zillion calories or something but all in all I think it went according to plan. I half expected to gain 2lb's by the AM but it didn't happen. There might be something to this Paleo thing....
An hour after this came my biggest challenge so far to my Paleo experiment and that was the snack fest known at fight night. A time when normally snacks are eaten and a beer or two go down the hatch. I'm not having any beer currently and 99% of all typical fight snacks are very UN-Paleo. I opted for a big 1-liter bottle of Smart Water and I picked up a jar of macadamia nuts. I also grabbed chips for the boys and guess what? Everybody was going at the macadamias like hungry piranha. :) They got pounded before the chips ever got a chance.
I also took a pic of a Breakfast from a couple days ago but these pics leave me with mixed feelings. I think there is some value to showing how simple the food is and giving a visual but on the other hand a pic of turkey bacon an eggs is super boring. this will probably be my last b-fast pic until I do something interesting.
Nitrate free, hormone free, no antibiotic, etc.. peppered turkey bacon, omega free range eggs, a good clean salsa, cup of black coffee (El Salvador Los Planes) and a pear. Side note: When you cut out all refined sugar and eat otherwise low sugar too it's amazing how the sweetness of fruit jumps out at you. The pears, nectarines, oranges, and things are so juicy, sweet, and fantastic. Good stuff!

My summary so far is that day one was a cakewalk that gave me a false sense of security. Days 2-3 brought me dizziness, headaches, and some mental confusion. I think this was either detox or regulating blood sugar. Either way it was not comfy. Day 4 feels like I might have turned the first corner. No dizziness or anything and I feel better. Another update soon.
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