I had some time today to grab a quick 30 min. cardio with a walk around the lake.
If I move someday this will be the one thing I really miss about this place. I can step out and walk 3 min to the park and grab a walk around the lake. It's really nice and if I had a decent camera or could take pictures it would probably show more.
So I put on my hi tech hiking socks and sport specific hiking shoes (because I have become an urban assault nerd) :(
I geared up and hit the trail... and by trail I mean to say HOA maintained 6' wide level concrete walking path.
The weather was super nice and cool for this time of year and the sun was full. I saw a bluejay digging around in the grass, and a few ducks wandering around...the normal park/lake stuff. But then I spotted an 80 year old dude doing tai chi he looked pretty cool if you ask me. As I made the loop I see the same old guy doing pull ups on the monkey bars. I made him my hero for the day.
I think I'm going to google up tai chi now.
While you are Google-ing Tai Chi, maybe you could Google how to do chin-ups when you are 80 - I want some of what that old dude is eating - wonder if it's raw milk yogurt?
I have no idea how many pull ups he did before I made the bend and spotted him doing the last 4.
I would have stopped him but there is just no casual way to say "man you sure are old to be kicking this much ass, what's up with that".
Plus the Tai chi this guy was doing was not only the flowy stuff...I saw him do 2 flying front kicks where he slapped both hands on his shin/ankle area on the upstroke. He got some air. :)
Dude was a sight!
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