Friday, June 20, 2008

18th week weigh in

Weight today 232

Total weight loss to date 38#'s

I should see the 220's and a 40+# weight loss for 4th of July weekend. Sweet!

The hardest part of this for me remains to be the mental game. Developing patience and accepting weeks without weight loss, or working very hard for minimal progress can be frustrating but that's the way it goes.

It's hard to keep "defocusing" on the time line you WANT and accept that the realistic time line to loose a significant amount of weight is much longer than you would like it to be....a year, a year and a half, two years....? Could be. ;)

The thing I keep trying to remember is that a year or two goes by anyway and I'm also going to want to be fit then. The race to loose weight fast is a mental trap and unless you have impending serious health risks that require it, averaging that 1-2#'s per week with intermittent periods of no weight loss is what experts suggest to be the best approach. It's hard to deal with because we all want instant results and particularly if we are working hard we want to get "paid" NOW!

Even at a pace of 5#'s per month that is 60#'s weight loss in a year...100#'s in a little over 1.5.

It's a mental battle but we have to fight it to avoid the pitfalls that await with quick weight loss gimmicks, tricks, and unhealthy schemes that only offer temporary results at best.

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