I have not had this overpriced hunk of iron long enough to know it's full potential but straight away it seems to be a very nice addition to a workout toolkit.
When I first saw kettlebells and swings I thought it was just idiots using horrible form doing useless swinging. I can get an 80# dumbbell and use poor form to swing it up into something that looks like a curl but so what? I was misunderstanding what the swing is all about. It works your back, trunk,...cardio...it's sort of a beast to be honest. I had fashioned a makeshift kettlebell that was "OK" but the real thing is of course better and I'm glad my buddy Shaun goaded me into buying it. :) The thing is that these marketing guys know when they have a hot product and I know that in 2 years these things should cost 50% less than they do now. Oh well, waiting for the price to go down $20-$30 isn't really worth it for all the workouts I would not be able to do while waiting.
Damn supply and demand... I picked this thing up when it was still in the shipping crate (they had to enter it into their system before they could turn around and sell it to me), the guy told me they sell them about as fast as they can order more.
I have not ventured into the more complicated lifts as the cornerstone basic swing is enough to keep me busy for a while.
More on the kettlebell will follow I'm sure... ;)
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