What would have been bad ass burgers and fries last year was kick ass chicken burgers and steamed broccoli today. :)
I was wondering if the ground chicken was going to hold up because it was a lot different consistency than beef but it held on and kept together long enough to make the flip and get on to the fresh wheat buns from Whole Foods. I made them like any other burgers (with my secret spices) only thing I did different was use some Sriracha on the cooked burger along with mustard...nix on the mayo and catchup. These chicken burgers turned out better than I expected and I'll have no problem making them again as the BBQ season gets into full swing.
I think there will be more of these burgers, grilled salmon, chicken, and who knows what else but we do a lot of grilling so more healthy options are going to be tested soon.
But back to the sriracha...man do I ever love this stuff! I had never tried it until a month ago but not that I've tried it I find that it seems to make everything taste better. From eggs to chicken burgers to pasta....delicious. I wish back in the day when I believed you had to eat diet industry gimmick foods to be healthy that I know about this stuff. I bet it would make the blandest plastic tray "meal" taste pretty good. It is really good stuff.
My left calf is dead from my jump rope experiment and forcing me to do more recovery that I wish I was doing. It's sad but pacing myself is VERY difficult because I want to do more... now not take it slow and steady. I am going to try and do core and some upper body work on my TRX knock off the JHF. :) in order to give the leg another day.
The TRX (and JHF) are suspension training devices that you anchor in a doorway and then use the handles to perform some pretty serious bodyweight exercises. I'll post a picture of my homemade version as well as a link to the official TRX website.
My version:

The real deal:
It is an awesome piece of equipment!
7th Monday weigh in will be in about 12 hours.......
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