Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday #5

Monday weigh in #5.

254 (-16#'s to date wonder when I'll hit 20?)
43% body fat (this # is bound to start dropping any day now....)
44% body water (closing in on my 45% goal)

Holiday eating went fine and the one meal "off" did not have any effect on the scale.

Food wise it was not healthy to begin with..ham, potato salad, baked beans, I tried to add a little more salad just to take up plate real estate and get reasonable portions. My old ways would have given me big ass portions of potato salad and ham for sure and probably a second trip as well.

So meal wise it was manageable but I also had 1.5 beers and some cake. The cake was angel food cake (fine) with berries (cool) and a pudding filling (ooooh so close). :)

Anyway, I'm glad I made that choice to just eat with everybody, have a beer, play some Wii, and have a family get together day. It was good.

Exercise is going well for me however Shaun let me borrow his TRX body weight workout system and it was so much fun testing out all the things I could do with it I over did it and now I'm toast for the day. I am also really happy with the Never Gymless book I picked up and am still experimenting with the workouts. I developed a conditioning interval workout that is doing a good job of working me over it goes like this:

60 seconds of speed punching hooks and jabs with the surgical tubing resistance bands.
60 seconds of mui thai clinch/knees I alternate and try to bring the knees up high.
60 seconds of sandbag fun I do random lifts and carries with the 50# sandbag
60 seconds rest

X 5 sets

It's 15 min active but those 4 min rest do not offer enough recovery time to = "at rest".

I plan on adding sets and additional exercises as soon as I can.

That's conditioning day and it's 3 days per week with core, 3 days strength, and one day off.

So there is nothing very exciting to report right now it's just about doing the deal.

I'm interested to see where I wind up at on the first goal date April 1 but with my 10# goal knocked out early there has been no pressure to make it and yet I started working harder anyway. I did it because I got strong enough to do it nothing else so I'm encouraged by that.

More later...

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