Monday, March 31, 2008

7th Monday weigh in

7th Monday weigh in a 1st mini goal update.

251 (-19# to date)
45% body water.

I'm going to stop measuring body fat% for now until I loose some more weight. What I want to do is get down a bit and go to a Dr. and have them measure it. Actually I want a full blood panel done as well but I'm going to hold off until I think I've made enough improvements to make it worth checking.

I could have went in and done it 7 weeks ago but it's probably better that I don't know what my blood levels were... :(

My first mini goal date is tomorrow and the goal was to loose 10# on 04/01/08. I am at -19 now so by tomorrow I should be somewhere between -19 and -20 doubling my goal. Sweet! My first instinct was to increase my goal for next month but that does not seem like the right thing to do.

I am averaging weight loss of 2.7# 's per week. It's too close to the well established 2# per week for me to get carried away and make myself a goal that might not work out. I'm going to go conservative (normal) for my next goal and stay with 2#'s per week and shoot for this.

2nd mini gaol:
Get down to 240# on 05/01/08
Continuing my exercise program and keeping my body water at 44-45% or more.
This way I ensure weight loss is fat loss and not water/muscle.

Progress! Pretty cool.

Things are going good and I think to celebrate my 20# weight loss I'm going to buy a chin up bar. My old brain might say losing 20 should be cause to celebrate with a "cheat day". This day I want a chin up bar a lot more than a cheat day to get an idea of what my mindset is like right now.

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