Friday, March 7, 2008


Not much to report yet but I think my Monday weigh in in 3 days will be a big one.

Right now the newness of things is wearing away and the reality of the process is starting to try and bug me. There is just not a healthy way to speed this along and the simple fact is that it's going to take a long time to get to my target. Like most people I prefer instant gratification! Not going to happen this time. :(

I'm gradually increasing the reps in my core workouts and I think I'm going to switch up routines every month to keep my muscles guessing and hit different areas as well.

I have an email into a retired boxer trying to see if I can get a few lessons with him on proper form and to do some heavy bag work as well as some training pads. I'd like to do this really soon if I can and when I reach 200#'s I'm going to reward myself with a few private Brazilian Jiu jitsu lessons. These are rewards that will be fun for me and are exercise based instead of food based. To rewards myself for being healthy by being really unhealthy seems flawed but more important than that is I really don't want to eat unhealthy. This is something I have not figured out yet beyond the idea that it's ok to eat the occasional burger or pizza. I know it's acceptable to have those foods in your diet it's just that when you start to look at all food as what it represents to your body nutritionally the math on some things does not "add up" and they become less desirable.

I'm not even going to look at the nutritional value of something like 4-5 Nantucket cookies or a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream to know that I could eat 2-3, 4? plates of healthier food (entire meals) for the equivalent fat/calorie count and can not come close to getting the nutrients from the snacks that "real food" offers. I have yet to figure out how this is going to impact things like B-day parties, holidays, weddings, etc.. It's something I need to think about.

My body water % is slowly responding now and I am hovering around 43% and I still want to get over 45%.

I'm starting to feel results (beyond the pain results) but feeling stronger from my workouts. I'm really only feeling it in my arms and I'm not sure what a stronger core feels's been a long ass time since I've had a strong core so I'm excited to see what 2-3 months of core work is going to do for me.

Enough for now, next time I'll talk about skydiving later in the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing great! :)