Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bumped the conditioning

I already bumped up the conditioning routine I posted Monday.

I'm doing the same thing but 6 sets.

It gives me 18 min. active and 5 min rest but it isn't really "rest". I do the min. drills with a LOT of intensity and need to rest periods just to survive. :)

It's a freaking hard workout!

I'll do 6 sets like this for a few weeks and them I'm going to change up exercises. I think I'll add one exercise at that time and drop back down to 5 sets.

The exercise is really doing a lot for my energy I can say for sure. There have been a few times now in mid day when my food has been particularly good I am feeling really strong. It's pretty strange to just be walking and feeling a lot stronger when you are not even doing anything but that is what's going on.

For the record I think this is a marker I'd like to make:

6 weeks into eating healthy and exercising and I am sure that I feel a difference. I felt the first rush of something 2-3 weeks in of just eating clean food, I think this was like detox of the junk and a new influx of good food/fuel. About 4 weeks in and I could tell I was getting stronger...but 6 weeks seems to be a mile marker to me as a point where I can say for sure everything is starting to work. I am closing in on 20#'s and that is going to be great but I can't know yet if this improved feeling is going to double when I get to 40 or what is going to happen.

Still the hardest thing for me to deal with is the time...waiting.

This is a slow paced situation and there is mental effort involved in keeping it together.I'm not interested in eating unhealthy or stopping exercise it's just really hard to loose weight slowly over months like this and most likely over a year.

One way to look at is would be that I am on target.... Loosing weight steadily, diet is good, exercise is on track so just set the cruise control and enjoy the ride to the end goal sometime in 2009.

That would be good if I could override the part of my brain that is screaming for faster results but I can't. It's just a continuous effort to keep reminding myself by using logic that "everything is as it should be".

It's tough, but it should be.

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