Sunday, March 2, 2008


Continuing to improve the exercise portion of things I've been working on adding structure to my resistance training schedule. I built something I was happy with on Friday and it called for my heaviest day to be Sat. Great news because I've been felling really good, increased energy, I had an open schedule for the middle of the day yesterday so it was all systems go and I had a really good workout.

It was the most work I've done so far and It was nice to feel like I moved from sort of freewheeling it to a structured workout schedule. That was yesterday....

24 hours later and I am feeling the "progress"...todays workout consisted of beginning yoga from my Baptiste #1 dvd. I normally don't even do this workout because it's so beginner but today felt like a beginner day to me so I can stay on track with next weeks workouts. I bet I could inure myself easily today so I did the smart thing and went light.

I guess feeling great everyday is too much to expect but I have been so up lately that it's a drag to feel draggy today. Staying up until 5am and sleeping until 1pm probably didn't help but it was a UFC and Boxing double header last night so it was unavoidable. :)

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