Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Gaining srenght

I can tell I'm starting to gain strength.

The actual numbers are embarrassing so I'll put it this way:

A couple of my workouts call for some sort of push ups like standard, wide grip, feet elevated, and I have some pick up exercises like Dive bomber and Hindu push ups. My core workout calls for some reg push ups and yesterday was the firs time I have been able to bang them out straight away. I have been doing as many as possible but having to take a few seconds break and then finishing up. With my Sat Workout I've had to take more than one break... :( But I do get them all done!

So this is a really encouraging development to see some measurable strength gains and in addition to the scale have something to show early on for the work that I'm putting in. I should say for anybody that ever might read this that I have 3 weeks in and some fairly decent workouts. No fluffy stuff and I should expand on what they are soon but just to say it took 3 weeks of good work before I noticed a "for sure" gain. It's not like you do 3 sets of 10 and the next day you are stronger..... It takes time and work, it aint easy.

I plan on upping my core work a lot in the weeks ahead and there are several other things in the works that I think are going to be big improvements in my work outs.....

Things are looking good today.


Shaun said...

Look, your arms are so strong you have reinvented the word "strength". ;-)

John F said...

Total power. :)

I think I must have forced the letters out of sequence or something.